Everything is made of energy. From a simple stone to the highest mountain. People are a bundle of ever-changing energy. Our chakras store and release energy from our head to our toes.
Just as we are, spirits are made of energy too, some good and some heavy. There are spirits everywhere. They are closer than anyone realizes. Their energy can be so strong that we can sense it. It can even influence our emotions at times.
I have gone into many homes and have seen what energy can do to an individual or family. Without knowing we can take on negative or positive feelings from an unseen source.
I had a good friend introduce me to the process of saging after I had an experience with a negative energy. I’ve used this process ever since.
I suggest always opening the saging with a prayer. Asking God, the universe, whatever you believe in, to let only positivity dwell with you as you sage. Then crack open a window on every floor of the house. After doing both of these things, begin at your front door and work always to the right as you go through the home. Make sure to get every bit of space from the largest rooms to the smallest closets, even bathrooms. As I sage I speak affirmations and repeat things like..
“Only positive energy is welcome here, all negative energy must leave.” You can add things like, “let this home be a place of safety and learning” or “let love and light into our home”. As you do this you will know exactly what to say. Let yourself be open to promptings from your guides and higher power. When you are done you will feel the difference in the air. Almost instantly your own energy and that around you will feel light.
When should you sage? If you feel heaviness, or suspect spirit influence. Sage for good energy to be with you about every 3 months or so. Sage if you’ve had change in your life like a breakup, or a reunion. It’s so good to create balance, there’s not a wrong time.
I am always available to help with saging and energy work. It’s one of my favorite things to do.
Love Always,